Suggested Pre-read: Before you jump into this blog, it's suggested that you get familiar with the Color Season Analysis, as covered in this blog.
Everybody is unique. We all have different color schemes for our complexions; some colors may make your eyes pop, while others make you look washed out and grey. Whether you’re an expert on the 12 color schemes or a total beginner, this is the ultimate guide to the summer color season.
How do I Know if I’m a Summer?
People that are the summer color season often look better in silver jewelry than gold and have medium to light hair in colors such as medium ashy brown, light ashy blonde, or dark ash brown; notice a pattern? All summers have ashy-colored hair. Summers will also have light to medium eyes, such as light grey, green, grey-brown, grey hazel, blue, or light blue; almost all summers have grey undertones to their eyes. Most summers, overall, are cooler-toned and slightly muted.
For skin tones, summers are always very light to tan; there are very few people of color that fit into this color season. The most common skin tones are fair, light, medium, or tan and are slightly pinkish with cool undertones.
If you fit these characteristics, you’re probably a summer! Just to be certain, try this 2 minute color season quiz.

What are the Summer Subsets?
Just like the other three color seasons, summer has three subsets: soft summer, cool summer, and light summer. Each subset is different, so be sure to read over each section to find out which you are.
When you make color choices based on your color season, you'll have lesser buyer's remorse and a more pleasant shopping experience.
GoPlay Cosmetics' award-winning LIPSKIT is exactly what you need if you struggle to find colors that work for you or simply want to have access to tons of colors that complement your color profile, in an affordable and sustainable way. If you are indeed a summer, the GoPlay LIPSKIT in Cool undertone is what you need to create colors that would perfectly suit your skin tone.
1. Soft Summer
Soft summer colors are muted and cool-toned. Your features all seem to match and blend together into the masterpiece that is you. This subset features grey, grey-green, grey hazel, and greyish light brown eyes and fair, light, medium, and tan skin tones, each with pink undertones. Your hair will be medium ash blonde, dark ash blonde, light ash brown, or medium ash brown; all of these colors have mousy undertones.
Colors to wear and do makeup with: Muted tones will complement your soft colors the best. Cool blues, dusty pinks and reds, greys, and off-whites will be your go-tos.

Colors to avoid: Avoid bright, vibrant, neon colors, black, white, and warm browns and reds.
Celebrities: Jennifer Aniston, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus
2. True/Cool Summer
Like soft summers, true summer colors are cool-toned and muted. However, there is more contrast in a cool summer than a soft or light summer. All of your features will have bluish or beige-ish undertones with no warmth. A true summer’s eyes are always a little bit greyed and are colors such as grey, blue, green, grey-hazel, or grey-brown. Your skin will have a beige or blue undertone and you’re fair, light, medium, or tan. Your hair is also very mousy, in shades like dark ash blonde, light ash blonde, medium ash brown, or dark ash brown; there is no warmth in a cool summer’s hair.
Colors to wear and do makeup with: Cool greys, blues, pinks, and greens.

Colors to avoid: Dark colors, black, white, bright colors, and earthy colors.
Celebrities: Allison Williams, Jennifer Garner, Olivia Wilde
3. Light Summer
Light summers are pale and cool-toned. Their eyes are light grey, light blue, light azure, or light green. A light summer’s skin tone is neutral or cool with pink or beige undertones in shades such as fair, light, or medium, and the hair color is very light ash blonde, light ash blonde, medium ash blonde, dark ash blonde, or light ash brown. Many light summers were blonde as children but now have brown hair; there is very low contrast between all the features.
Colors to wear and do makeup with: Cool greys, pinks, greens, teals, and blues

Colors to avoid: Deep greens and reds, bright colors, orange, black, and white.
Celebrities: Gwenyth Paltrow, Reese Witherspoon, Cate Blanchett

Great, but does this mean I have to change my whole wardrobe and makeup?
Not at all. The key is to bring your colors closer to your face. So, for sure go ahead and wear all the colors in your wardrobe, but just a neck scarf, or big earrings, or the right color lipstick from your personal color palette will do the trick.
We've all had faux-pas with colors, especially makeup colors. And who can blame us? All the cool makeup brands make it look like our lives would be sorted if we just get that hot pink lip on the model's face. It's too tempting. But what they don't tell you, is that they pick the model, based on the lip color and it doesn't look as striking on everyone.
So if you want to stop playing tag with the makeup brands, then consider choosing the GoPlay LIPSKIT which lets you create your personal best lip colors in seconds in a sustainable way. The colors are high quality, highly pigmented (think Tarté lip paint), and you can even change the texture from matte-to-moist-to-tint. The kit is custom assembled for your undertone, and the GoPlay app suggests you your personal best colors with their LIPSKIT blends.
What if I’m Not a Summer?
Be sure to read our “What’s Your Skin’s Color Season?” or take our quick 2-minute quiz to find the best colors for you.
About the Author:
This blog post is written by Sabrina Cooklin for GoPlay Cosmetics. Sabrina is a fashion and beauty blogger and a professional makeup and nail artist.