
10 easy ways to make your beauty routine more eco-friendly

Cue the lights, music, and animal print… Okay, now that we have your attention, let's talk about how to go green when it comes to your beauty duties. Beauty routines are an essential part of our lives now, but they can also have a significant impact on the environment. From the packaging of products to the chemicals they contain, beauty routines can be a source of pollution and waste. But, you don't really have to sacrifice on glamming up to lead a more sustainably lifestyle. There are hacks that can help you be more earth-friendly while enjoying your colors! It's easier than you might think.

How to sport a bold lip: Tips and Tricks for Pulling Off that "Perfect Pout"

Let me guess. You love bold colored lipsticks. But only on others. You think you're just not cutout for it. Your lips are too thin, your skin is not great, you fear getting the 'looks' from people around you. You've tried a bold lip at home ( and probably taken a few selfies), but then mellowed it down with a tissue just before walking out that door. If you've experienced any of the above before, let me tell you, you are not alone. But guess what, your fear is not about looking odd in a bright color, it's about standing out and being noticed.

The 12 Color Seasons: Spring and its Subsets

Springs are warm-toned, meaning gold jewelry looks better on them than platinum or silver. Their eyes are light to medium in darkness and are usually shades like clear blue, bright green, hazel, or light grey. Springs have a sort of golden aura to them.

The 12 Color Seasons: Summer and its Subsets

People that are the summer color season often look better in silver jewelry than gold and have medium to light hair in colors such as medium ashy brown, light ashy blonde, or dark ash brown; notice a pattern? All summers have ashy-colored hair. Summers will also have light to medium eyes, such as light grey, green, grey-brown, grey hazel, blue, or light blue; almost all summers have grey undertones to their eyes. Most summers, overall, are cooler-toned and slightly muted.

The 12 Color Seasons: Winter and its Subsets

Winters are cool-toned to neutral with medium to dark eyes like blue, icy hazel, brown, dark brown, or black, and hair colors such as dark brown, black-brown, and black. The winter color season skin tones are cool, like fair, light, medium, tan, dark, and deep. Winters will usually have a much higher level of contrast between their features than the other color seasons. Many people of color fall into the winter color season. 

The 12 Color Seasons: Autumn and its Subsets

People with the general autumn color season have darker, warmer eyes in colors like olive green, hazel, amber, golden brown, and occasionally dark chocolate brown. You may also have slightly greyish eyes. Their skin tones are also warmer, meaning that gold jewelry pops against their bodies, but silver makes them look a little washed out.